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In the Kitchen — Pickleball Strategy

Five Things You Should Know About the Third Shot Drop

Pickleball Shots Pickleball Strategy

Five Things You Should Know About the Third Shot Drop

Many new players to pickleball have never heard of this shot, or have and are not familiar with what is means. Well here is your chance to know more about this shot, and why it is a good idea to practice the third shot drop and add it to your skill set. Here are five great things to think about as you use this particular shot in your own game. 1) What is the third shot drop? - Literally, it is the third shot that is hit in a rally. Think of it as the return of the return of serve....

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Six Effective Shots from the Non-Volley Zone Line

Pickleball Strategy

Six Effective Shots from the Non-Volley Zone Line

This post is building upon my last post, Five Reasons To Play at the Non-Volley Zone Line. Now that you are familiar with why it is great to play at the non-volley zone line, what do you do once you are there? I have had many new players to the game ask me this very question. These six basic shots will break down the options that you have when playing at or near the non-volley zone line.  1) Dink Shot - This is a soft shot intended to arch right over the net and land within the non-volley zone. This is the...

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Five Reasons To Play at the Non-Volley Zone Line

Pickleball Strategy

Five Reasons To Play at the Non-Volley Zone Line

Many players new to the game of pickleball do not realize the strategies behind playing this super fun game. For those who love to understand strategies and want to learn better game play, here are five reasons why playing pickleball at the non-volley zone line is a great strategy for your doubles game: 1) You have less area to cover - By playing right at or an inch or two away from the non-volley zone line you cut out over half the court for your opponents to hit the ball to versus staying in the back court. Visualize the number of shots...

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